Grand Jury Investigations

Grand Jury Investigations

Experienced counsel, expert guidance, and peace of mind for clients involved in grand jury investigations.

Representing clients in grand jury investigations is a cornerstone of our practice at the Jacobs Law Firm.  Over the years, we’ve been involved in hundreds of grand jury investigations – on both the prosecution side and the defense side.  Individuals and businesses trust our experience and expertise when it comes to guiding them through the grand jury process.

The job of a grand jury is to review the prosecution’s evidence and decide whether to issue an indictment.  What happens inside the grand jury chamber is a mystery to most people because its proceedings are secret.  Only prosecutors, witnesses, and jurors are allowed inside.  Even defense attorneys and judges are prohibited from observing grand jury proceedings.

Experienced Grand Jury Counsel

As an award-winning federal prosecutor in New York and California, Matt Jacobs led grand jury investigations involving numerous major federal offenses – ranging from violent crimes (including terrorism offenses, murder, racketeering, child sex trafficking, robbery, extortion, and drug trafficking, among others) to white collar crimes (including bank fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, health care fraud, insurance fraud, public corruption, and false statements, among others).  

That extensive prosecutorial experience informs the strategies we develop to represent clients who receive grand jury subpoenas ad testificandum (compelling live testimony) and subpoenas duces tecum (compelling document production), depending on whether the government considers our clients are witnesses, subjects or targets of the investigation.

We know how to persuade judges to “quash” (i.e., throw out) overbroad or improper subpoenas, and we know when our client has the right to refuse to testify or produce documents.  We also know when the issuance of a grand jury subpoena presents an opportunity for the recipient to alter the course of the prosecution’s investigation.  Through informal meetings with prosecutors, attorney proffers and client proffers, we have turned lemons into lemonade by successfully persuading prosecutors to modify or discontinue investigations in ways that benefit our clients.

Finally, on a human level, we understand the fear, anxiety and uncertainty that clients – and their family members – often feel when they receive a grand jury subpoena.  So from the beginning of our representations, we do everything in our power to put our clients at ease – by being highly responsive, providing straightforward answers to questions, and developing an overarching strategy to guide the client toward the best possible outcome.

Contact Us About Your Matter

If you’ve received a grand jury subpoena – or believe you are the target or subject of a grand jury investigation, contact us for a complimentary consultation right away.

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