Sex Crimes

Sex Crimes

Protecting your rights and upholding the presumption of innocence.

The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of American justice. Too often, however, that presumption is ignored in cases involving alleged sexual misconduct.  

As a federal prosecutor, Matt Jacobs investigated, prosecuted and convicted child sex traffickers and others who committed reprehensible sex-related offenses.  But he also saw false and exaggerated accusations of sexual misconduct – and knows that the consequences of such accusations can be devastating to the accused and their family.

Sex-related offenses can be charged in federal or state court, or adjudicated in quasi-judicial forums, such as university tribunals (which often lack basic due process protections).  

Sex-related offenses include sexual assault, rape (including “date” rape), indecent exposure, solicitation and prostitution, unauthorized dissemination of nude or pornographic materials, failure to register as a sex offender, and crimes involving minors.  

There are few things more serious than an accusation of sexual misconduct.  We will ensure that you understand your rights, receive fair treatment under the law, and are not unjustly punished in a court of law or in the court of public opinion.

Contact For Expert Legal Representation

If you’ve been accused of a sex-related offense, contact us to schedule a confidential and a complimentary consultation.  

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