The Jacobs Law Group specializes in defending corporate and individual clients charged with fraud-related crimes or facing fraud-related investigations. We offer clients the expertise of a large, national law firm combined with the highly personalized attention of a white collar boutique. And we accept only a limited number of engagements to ensure that our clients receive the responsiveness and focus their matters demand.
As a white-collar defense attorney, Matt Jacobs has successfully represented both individuals and businesses in connection with criminal and regulatory investigations into alleged violations of securities laws (including insider trading laws), tax laws, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Espionage Act, and many others.
As a federal prosecutor in California and New York, Matt led investigations and prosecutions involving numerous fraud-based offenses, including securities fraud, healthcare fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, wire and mail fraud, money laundering, and false statements.
Our experience prosecuting and defending white collar cases gives us the ability to analyze cases from all angles and develop maximally effective litigation strategies from the start. In addition, our extensive courtroom experience and outstanding trial record puts our clients in the best position to achieve victory – whether at trial or by securing a favorable pre-indictment resolution or pretrial plea.
If you or your business has been accused of fraud – or is being investigated by criminal or regulatory authorities – contact our experienced white collar defense counsel today for a confidential and complimentary consultation.
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