Common Defenses to DUI Charges & the Reliability of PAS Devices

When one is facing a DUI charge, it’s natural to be worried about the consequences of a conviction. The potential for heavy fines, jail time, and long-term personal or professional repercussions can be daunting. However, it’s worth noting that there are several accepted defenses against a DUI charge that are recognized in court. These defenses can help you avoid severe penalties and a lifetime of stress if they are proven to be accurate.

While a DUI conviction can have serious consequences, there are ways to fight against them with the help of a competent and experienced criminal defense attorney.

Common Defenses to DUI Charges

  • Improper stop by police
  • Failure to follow protocol
  • Medical conditions
  • Improper interrogation or Fifth Ammendament violations
  • Improper storage of blood alcohol samples
  • Inappropriate communication with the defendant

Contact Jacobs Law Group

If you have been charged with a DUI, contact Jacobs Law Group